Am 17.09.2018 um 20:59 schrieb Daniel Ruggeri:
Hi, all;
   I have been delayed executing the automation because the test suite seems to be hanging for me. This appears to be consistently during t/ssl/varlookup.t as that is the only process other than httpd running in this container during the hang. When killing httpd, the failures reported start at test 35 with err "Failed test 35 in t/ssl/varlookup.t at line 109 fail #35" and continue to 83.

Which platform, which version of OpenSSL?

   If anyone has experience with this area of the test suite, pointers definitely welcome. Otherwise, I'll start poking at it.

You can run the tests with

t/TEST -v -order=repeat

which might give more insight.

My passing tests for 2.4.34 e.g. logged

# expected: 'false'
# received: 'false'
ok 35
# expected: qr/^\d+$/
# received: '128'
ok 36
# expected: qr/^\d+$/
# received: '128'
ok 37
# testing : SSL_SECURE_RENEG
# expected: qr/^(false|true)$/
# received: 'true'
ok 38

and the comments always belong to the "ok" or "not ok" line that follows the comments. So test 35 was the "SSL_CIPHER_EXPORT" test at that time. I doubt it actually has to do with that.

You might look at the thread stacks (with the gdb "bt" command or similar) of the hanging httpd processes to gather more info.

Any errors in the httpd error log, like "deadlock detected" etc.?



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