Disagree. My 2 cents as a watcher, administrator and user:

1/ they have better things to do

Then don’t take the release! If a release contains security patches (so they 
should take it), then I don’t see how hiding the issue by holding back the 
release helps.

 2/ it gives impression of immature and buggy software - this gives thoughts 
towards alternatives,  IRC shows many admins have no loyalty todays much of 
todays software (well, windows fanbois excepted.

Massively disagree. Frequent release to me give the impression of an actively 
maintained and evolving project. And there are a lot of changes in the HTTP 
space (HTTP/2, move to encryption, increased awareness on security...etc.).

3/ As a consequence of 1 & 2, they will not upgrade, this might be trivial for 
little thigs, but when a nasty bug comes out, this is what comes to mind"  oh 
fsck it, we just upgraded httpd  last week, screw it, we'll wait" - they get 
bitten, CIOs demand heads, remaining souls dump httpd and install nginx or some 
other alternative

Discussed above. And nginx releases monthly (http://nginx.org/en/CHANGES) which 
I’d be happy if Apache HTTPD moved to.

4/ dont be fooled into thinking  its the package managers role, many networks 
run on RedHat EL, SuseEL, and debian, but far from all - and even those distro 
package maintainers get sick to F'n death of it after a while and skip updates.

I do wish Apache would run its own “official” repo to make upgrading to latest 
easier. Don’t have the expertise to help with this and understand it was done 
in the past and given up due to lack of people who did but still think it’s a 
shame we don’t. I think this is an area nginx does stand out. Upgrading Nginx 
is often as simple as “yum update” or “apt-get”. They even run a repo for their 
mainline version for those that want to be bleeding edge.

Do not be delusional - this has happened many times before.

I give you dovecot as example, it wasnt that long ago a new release was coming 
out weekly, sometimes only a few days apart, people get sick of updating, some 
people are still today running versions a year old because of it, I know of a 
few who moved to "courier", an oldy but a goody.

And some people are still running Apache Httpd 2.2 or 2.4.6. I don’t think 
that’s anything to do with the frequency of releases.

The release often mentality might be good for a new nurturing project, but that 
is not httpd.

System admins want stability.

Maybe, but that’s not the world we live in. And others want features and we 
shouldn’t give the impression Httpd is legacy because it lacks the features 
other web servers may have. Stay on packages managed version of 2.4.6 if you 
want and just take the security updates that your package manager is 
responsible to include.

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