The reason why this fails now is that we prefetch in 2.4.41 the request body before doing the connection check to the backend. In 2.4.39 we did that after doing the check, so the body was still there when doing the final request sending.


In proxy_http_handler():
- ap_proxy_determine_connection()
- ap_proxy_check_connection()
- optionally ap_proxy_connect_backend() which might fail.
- ap_proxy_connection_create_ex()
- ap_proxy_http_request() which does prefetch late!


In proxy_http_handler():
- ap_proxy_determine_connection()
- early ap_proxy_http_prefetch() which does the prefetch!
- optionally again ap_proxy_determine_connection()
- ap_proxy_check_connection()
- optionally ap_proxy_connect_backend() which might fail.
- ap_proxy_connection_create_ex()
- ap_proxy_http_request()

So we either need to remember the prefetch result for later retries or switch back to the old order.



Am 29.10.2019 um 12:46 schrieb Rainer Jung:
This happens in the case of a small body. We read the body into req->input_brigade in ap_proxy_http_prefetch() before trying the first node, but then loose it on the second node, because we use another req and thus also another req->input_brigade then.

Not sure, how we could best save the read input_brigade for the second attempt after failover. Will try some experiments.

If you try to reproduce yourself, make sure you use a small POST (here: 30 bytes) and also exclude /favicon.ico from forwarding when using a browser. Otherwise some of the failovers will be triggered by favicon.ico and you'll not notice the problem in the POST request:

ProxyPass /favicon.ico !



Am 29.10.2019 um 11:15 schrieb Rainer Jung:
A first heads-up: it seems this commit broke failover for POST requests. Most (or all?) of the times a balancer failover happens for a POST request, the request send to the failover node has a Content-Length of "0" instead of the real content length.

I use a trivial setup like this:

<Proxy balancer://backends/>
   ProxySet lbmethod=byrequests
   BalancerMember http://localhost:5680
   BalancerMember http://localhost:5681

ProxyPass / balancer://backends/

where one backend node is up and the second node is down.

I will investigate further.



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