On Thu, Mar 19, 2020 at 08:32:25AM -0700, Mike Rumph wrote:
> Build #484 fails on test #484.13, Linux Ubuntu, Regenerate ap_expr
> +./buildconf --with-apr=/usr/bin/apr-1-config --with-regen-expr
> unknown option  --with-regen-expr
> The command "./test/travis run_${TRAVIS_OS_NAME}.sh" exited with 1.

It's something screwy with the conditional on the test, which should not 
run for 2.4.x and is described as:

    - if: branch != 2.4.x
      name: Linux Ubuntu, Regenerate ap_expr

but this build is special because it's a tag.  Could adjust those tests 
to be "if: branch = master" but then that's wrong when we branch 2.5.x.  
Not obvious how to fix it right now.

Anyway, ignore the failure, everything else passed and it's good ;)

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