Am 27.03.2020 um 19:24 schrieb Steffen:

A discussion started on Apachelounge about an possible issue with OpenSSL 1.1.1e ( )

This is the introduced new EOF in 1.1.1e :

Discussion on OpenSSL is at

I dot understand what is going on, but  Daniel Stenberg (Curl) states :  The "poorly-implemented HTTP/1.1 servers" are still out there and are being used. How common? Impossible to say.

OpenSSL has a Patch with description :
... possible application breakage caused by a change in behavior introduced in 1.1.1e.  It affects at least nginx, which logs error messages such as:
nginx[16652]: [crit] 16675#0: *358 SSL_read() failed (SSL: error:
4095126:SSL routines:ssl3_read_n:unexpected eof while reading) while keepalive, client: xxxx, server: [::]:443

So looks  that nginx is effected.

My question is :
*Is Apache effected ? * Looks not, because till now: Apachelounge has more then a week 2.4.41 available with 1.1.1e, which is downloaded over 50.000 times and no issues reported like this.

I did a few hundred test suite runs on 5 platforms for the 2.4.42 release candidate against OpenSSL 1.1.1e and noticed no special new ssl related errors.

So either our tests do not detect it or httpd does not have that problem.

There will be a new OpenSSL 1.1.1f release next week.



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