> On 27 Apr 2020, at 16:37, Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Bumping a very old thread.  tl;dr people are often surprised that when
> Location sections have access control directives and overlap with the
> filesystem it undoes the default
> <Files ".ht*">
>    Require all denied
> </Files>

We always warn against mixing <Location> with filesystem.  That's just
one of many gotchas that may arise from it.

I wonder if a better solution would be to be much stricter about the division?
Ideally make it a config error (switchable to a warning so as not to break too
many old configs) to overlap them?

A first-pass implementation might be for the Location directive
to issue a warning if it matches a directory in the filesystem.

Nick Kew

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