On Mon, May 04, 2020 at 05:23:23PM +0200, Ruediger Pluem wrote:
> On 5/4/20 3:49 PM, Joe Orton wrote:
> > d) SSLRandomSeed.  This might have made sense in 1998 but at least with 
> > OpenSSL 1.1.1 which has a rewritten and fork-safe RAND, I think httpd 
> > should not be doing RAND seeding ever.  Currently mod_ssl will splat 
> > random stack data, time() and the pid into the RNG state for each new 
> > connection.  Unless someone can prove this is valuable and the OpenSSL 
> > PRNG is somehow broken OOTB, I think this code + directive should be 
> > dropped for OpenSSL 1.1.1+, including EGD support etc.
> Do we drop it only for OpenSSL 1.1.1 or are there other older versions of 
> OpenSSL where this is save to drop?

>From https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/Random_fork-safety it seems like 
there is some reason to believe the <1.1.1 RNG is not safe after fork 
unless you help it.

I was looking at the Fedora default mod_ssl config which does have a 
default "SSLRandom", but the example httpd-ssl.conf shipped does not. So 
*maybe* configuring SSLRandomSeed is useful, but really if it is not 
needed by default we should do something by default, which we don't.

(I feel like there should be a assumption in favour of correctness with 
OpenSSL and any code which assumes incorrectness should have very strong 
justification for its continued existence.  Instead we have a tendency 
to carry a lot of code merely because "we've always done it like this".)

> And if we drop how do we drop it? If we can only drop it for OpenSSL 1.1.1 I 
> would be in favour
> of sending a message to the log (INFO level) that it is just ignored. This 
> avoids that a config working with OpenSSL < 1.1.1
> fails with OpenSSL 1.1.1 but the same Apache version.

Very good idea, I'll do it like that.  Thanks for the feedback!

Regards, Joe

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