On Fri, May 07, 2021 at 10:12:44AM +0100, Joe Orton wrote:
> It seems to be new with GCC 11, these are warnings which become errors 
> you since are using --enable-maintainer-mode.
> The extensive use of APR_RING* is warning-free in all the APR bucket 
> brigade code even with GCC 11, it is the different way the ring API is 
> used in both htcacheclean and event/simple which which is triggering 
> warnings here.
> In both case we have an APR_RING_ENTRY declared outside of the structure 
> which they are embedded in.  Perhaps this is one of the implications 
> warned about in apr_ring.h:
> https://svn.apache.org/viewvc/apr/apr/trunk/include/apr_ring.h?revision=1074876&view=markup#l65
> It seems trivial to fix the warning by using the link as embedded in the 
> structure (attached), though I haven't tested this.

PR here to test: https://github.com/apache/httpd/pull/186

(I couldn't find an easy way to set up Travis to build with GCC 11 on 
Ubuntu.  Should revive efforts to do testing in containers with 
alternative operating systems ;)

Regards, Joe

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