Hi, I know what I have is not correct and need guidance. I am trying to confirm our Spanish Uri path(es) which I think is correct and then do validation on the language header is(es) for Spanish. If it is then set the header to es which is the value. After this I need to forward the remoteip address of an outside client which went through our F5 before connecting to the Apache server to our remote customers proxy. Do I need the back end proxy info or how do I achieve everything I am looking to do here?

<LocationMatch "/es">

       SetEnvIf language es Has_language

       Header set lanaguage "%D %t"env=Has_language

        SetEnvIf  ^X-Forwarded-For$ x.x.x.x$ transparentforward

          Allow from env=transparentforward

      ProxyPreserveHost On

      ProxyPass "/""CNAME"

      ProxyPassReverse "/""CNAME"

      ServerName CNAME



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