On Thu, May 27, 2021, 07:52 Eric Covener <cove...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 8:45 AM Rainer Jung <rainer.j...@kippdata.de>
> wrote:
> > is my understanding correct, that even httpd trunk (and then also 2.4.x)
> > needs LDAP support in APR/APU to build mod_ldap and mod_authnz_ldap?
> >
> > So since we removed LDAP support from APR trunk, that means those
> > modules currently can not be build using APR trunk, neither in httpd
> > trunk nor in httpd 2.4.x. Correct?
> I think this is correct.  This was a pretty heated/sore issue to my
> recollection. Only the removal got done.

That's nearly correct.

The port to ap_ namespace was composed and committed to httpd trunk, by
myself. And in the heat of the argument, vetoed by the obvious party, so I
reasonably promptly reverted that, without a few minor tweaks that were
still necessary across various platforms or httpd build scenarios.

But you can find nearly all the necessary work on httpd trunk history, if
there's a desire to ressurect the ability for httpd to survive an apr 2
release. It didn't matter for PCRE, so I don't know that it is a priority.

Any discussion w.r.t. apr project belongs at that project, if there's a
desire to cause some action there. Based on observations of the huge scale
of Curl vulnerabilities (which hit us for mod_md, because that is libcurl,
as opposed to serf or something straightforward as the letsenrypt client),
and on some additional thoughts shared on apr about further modularizing
and disconnecting the each-and-every-facility from core apr+util, that
would be an interesting discussion to have. But it might have even more
additional resistance based on today's security postures, based on
dependencies of dependencies security history.

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