This is a little confusing. It looks from the comment and code like the
change is restricting the request target that can be sent through a proxy,
which would be wrong.

OTOH, it would make sense that the proxy itself (the thing to which the
proxied request is being sent) is limited to http(s) because that is a feature
of HTTP. Is that what was intended?


> On Dec 14, 2021, at 9:10 AM, Roy T. Fielding <> wrote:
> I am pretty sure that this isn't correct, or at least seems like overkill.
> We should definitely block unix: from being forwarded, but why would
> we want to block things like a urn: resolver?
> To be clear, I'd rather remove all proxy functionality from httpd than
> suggest to the world that http(s) schemes are the only names that
> can be proxied through HTTP. It would break the Web architecture,
> so -1 to that.
> ....Roy

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