On 25 Jan 2022, at 23:25, Graham Leggett <minf...@sharp.fm> wrote:

> Is the http2 code doing anything to work around mod_ssl trying to read, 
> failing, throwing away the error, and then pretending nothing happened?

The http2 code doesn't try to work around mod_ssl, instead it does the same as 
mod_ssl, which is that it performs an operation but throws away the error:


This hook is sorted APR_HOOK_FIRST, which means h2_c2_hook_process() runs 
first, then passes the connection to mod_ssl, which then returns AGAIN, but 
AGAIN is now thrown away inside h2_c2_hook_process(), and now we’re off the 
rails from this point on and we can expect our socket to be stuck in a weird 

The http1 code has the same problem, but runs APR_HOOK_LAST, which means 
mod_ssl’s handshake is completely done before http1 touches the connection.

I think to fix this test, we need to make sure http2 runs after mod_ssl.


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