Apologies for the bombast, Joe.

Constructively, I’m just offering development advice as an SME, which you are 
free to act on or not as the team sees fit. But you’re right that this is a 
Releng issue, not a development one, that I’m trying to surface in terms of how 
patch management is happening between HTTPD’s trunk and apreq’s.

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From: Joe Orton <jor...@redhat.com>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2022 11:07:02 AM
To: dev@httpd.apache.org <dev@httpd.apache.org>
Subject: Re: [libapreq2] nits to pick about the patches to util.c over the past 
few years

On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 12:09:02AM -0400, Joe Schaefer wrote:
> Forgive me for summarizing, but I didn’t come here expecting help, much
> less collaboration on a solution.  I came here expecting to be scolded for
> having the temerity to critique the quality of the patch sets you’ve been
> shipping of late In libapreq2.  None of my opinions have changed on that
> subject, and won’t for some time.
> The point is I’m part of your extended support channels for libapreq2,
> because it’s easy and fun to help people who use the code.  I’m not here to
> complain, I’m here expecting more empathy for people like me who give their
> time graciously without expecting anything in return other than some
> measure of respect for the effort involved.

Joe, please dial down both the rhetoric and rate of fire.

Constructive criticism is always welcome here, we are quite used to
doing patch reviews. You've come in with a torrent of not very
constructive messages, unsurprisingly that won't get a hugely
sympathetic response from others. We all participate here voluntarily.

Regards, Joe

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