Le 10/01/2023 à 14:40, Eric Covener a écrit :
Hi all,

Please find below the proposed release tarball and signatures:


I would like to call a VOTE over the next few days to release
this candidate tarball httpd-2.4.55-rc1 as 2.4.55:
[ ] +1: It's not just good, it's good enough!
[X] +0: Let's have a talk.
[ ] -1: There's trouble in paradise. Here's what's wrong.

The computed digests of the tarball up for vote are:
sha256: 5276ea8bc6fff31eed5c82132ae51a0b2ee05f9e6b61a00fa877f6cadab3b638

The SVN candidate source is found at tags/2.4.55-rc1-candidate.


Tested only with event.

All good, as usual with the perl framework

1 issue with pytest:
   test/modules/http2/test_600_h2proxy.py .....F....
(details at the end of the mail)

Don't know if expected or not. Some pytest commits are only in trunk and have not been backported to 2.4.x. I don't know if it is linked to this failing test.

Most of mod_md tests skippep (likely something missing in my conf)
Nearly all mod_tls in error (likely something missing in my conf)

I won't have time to investigate further, but only the failure in test_600_h2proxy looks odd to me.
So I just report it and vote +0.

Tested with:
Linux pop-os 6.0.6
gcc (Ubuntu 11.3.0-1ubuntu1~22.04) 11.3.0
OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022 (Library: OpenSSL 3.0.2 15 Mar 2022)
  libssl-dev 3.0.2
  libbrotli-dev 1.0.9
  libjansson-dev 2.13.1
  libnghttp2-dev 1.43.0
  libpcre2-dev 10.39
  liblua5.3-dev 5.3.6
  libsystemd-dev 249.11
  libldap-dev 2.5.13+dfsg
  libldap2-dev 2.5.13+dfsg
  libxml2-dev 2.9.13+dfsg
  libcurl4-openssl-dev 7.81.0

__________________________________________________________ TestH2Proxy.test_h2_600_05[on] ___________________________________________________________

self = <http2.test_600_h2proxy.TestH2Proxy object at 0x7f399ed99e70>, env = <http2.env.H2TestEnv object at 0x7f399e913df0>, enable_reuse = 'on'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("enable_reuse", [ "on", "off" ])
    def test_h2_600_05(self, env, enable_reuse):
        conf = H2Conf(env, extras={
            f'cgi.{env.http_tld}': [
                f"ProxyPassMatch ^/h2proxy/([0-9]+)/(.*)$ "
f" h2c://$1/$2 enablereuse={enable_reuse} keepalive=on",
            f'Listen {env.http_port2}',
            'UseCanonicalName On',
            'UseCanonicalPhysicalPort On'
                         port=5004, doc_root="htdocs/cgi")
        conf.add("AddHandler cgi-script .py")
        assert env.apache_restart() == 0
url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", f"/h2proxy/{env.http_port}/hello.py")
        r = env.curl_get(url, 5)
        assert r.response["status"] == 200
        assert int(r.json["port"]) == env.http_port
        # going to another backend port must create a new connection and
        # we should see stream id one again
url = env.mkurl("https", "cgi", f"/h2proxy/{env.http_port2}/hello.py")
        r = env.curl_get(url, 5)
        assert r.response["status"] == 200
exp_port = env.http_port if enable_reuse == "on" else env.http_port2
>       assert int(r.json["port"]) == exp_port
E       AssertionError: assert 5004 == 5002
E        +  where 5004 = int('5004')

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