+1 on the release process formalization.

On Tue, Sep 1, 2020 at 10:21 AM Vinoth Chandar <vin...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Love to start a discussion around how we can formalize the release
> process, timelines more so that we can ensure timely and quality releases.
> Below is an outline of an idea that was discussed in the last community
> sync (also in the weekly sync notes).
> - We will do a "feature driven" major version release, every 3 months or
> so. i.e going from version x.y to x.y+1. The idea here is this ships once
> all the committed features are code complete, tested and verified.
> - We keep doing patches, bug fixes and usability improvements to the
> project always. So, we will also do a "time driven" minor version release
> x.y.z → x.y.z+1 every month or so
> - We will always be releasing from master and thus major release features
> need to be guarded by flags, on minor versions.
> - We will try to avoid patch releases. i.e cherry-picking a few commits
> onto an earlier release version. (during 0.5.3 we actually found the
> cherry-picking of master onto 0.5.2 pretty tricky and even error-prone).
> Some cases, we may have to just make patch releases. But only extenuating
> circumstances. Over time, with better tooling and a larger community, we
> might be able to do this.
> As for the major release planning process.
>    - PMC/Committers can come up with an initial list sourced based on
>    user asks, support issue
>    - List is shared with the community, for feedback. community can
>    suggest new items, re-prioritizations
>    - Contributors are welcome to commit more features/asks, (with due
>    process)
> I would love to hear +1s, -1s and also any new, completely different ideas
> as well. Let's use this thread to align ourselves.
> Once we align ourselves, there are some release certification tools that
> need to be built out. Hopefully, we can do this together. :)
> Thanks
> Vinoth

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