That will teach you for not naming your methods explicitly.  Delete? Delete what?  ;-)

Good point though Larry.  If you design your DAOs to be very small and follow some convention like select, insert, update, might have this problem.  As a more general solution, I'd suggest just choosing different language like:  load, fetch, save, update, remove.

That will avoid the whole problem.


On 8/16/06, Larry Meadors <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
+1 with a warning to upgraders that almost got me.

If you have a class defined like this:

public class MyDaoImpl extends SqlMapDaoTemplate implements MyDao

...and a method like this:

public void delete (String key)

It won't compile until you rename your delete because it thinks you are trying to override delete, and not returning and int value.

This could be a bigger problem if your local delete method DOES return int. Things that call delete(String mappedStatementName) won't behave quite as expected, because they will call the overridden version instead.


On 8/15/06, Clinton Begin < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PMC Members,

You've no doubt seen the 2.2.0 beta release email.  Unless you find any significant problems with the build, please now vote for iBATIS for Java 2.2.0 to be promoted to General Availabilty status.

This vote will close Friday, August 18th.

Best regards,


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