
Brian Diekelman commented on IBATIS-142:

Alright, I guess somebody has to bite the bullet and create a patch for this... 
 how about this:

Single Generated Key:
Using generated in the 'type' attribute since the other options (pre/post) are 
implied by generated (which has to be post)
<insert id="insertUser" parameterClass="user">
        insert into user_profiles(first_name_tx)values(#firstName#)
        <selectKey resultClass="int" type="generated" keyProperty="id"/>

Multiple Generated Keys:
The case of a trigger (or several sql statements if the driver supports it)
with multiple generated keys, this would apply them in order (if we got the 
back with two entries, id=[0], otherId=[1])

<insert id="insertUser" parameterClass="user">
        insert into user_profiles(first_name_tx)values(#firstName#)

        <selectKey resultClass="int" type="generated" keyProperty="id"/>
        <selectKey resultClass="int" type="generated" keyProperty="otherId"/>

Code changes
New Classes:
- create a com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.GeneratedKeyStatement
Changes to Existing Files:
- com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.statement.InsertStatement
  - added a GeneratedKeyStatment[] field + getters/setters
- com.ibatis.engine.builder.xml.SqlStatementParser.parseSelectKey()
  - add generated key logic, add to insertStatement
- com.ibatis.engine.impl.SqlMapExecutorDelegate
  - line 424, inside insert(SessionScope, String, Object)
    - add logic to check for selectKeyStatement/generatedKeyStatement
- add 'generated' to 'selectKey' in sql-map-2.dtd

Outstanding questions to think through:
- Throw an exception if we have a selectKey with type 'generated' and no keys 
are generated? (optional setting?)
- Allow a pre/post selectKey *and* a generated selectKey in the same statement?

If I get some halfway decent feedback I might be able to get a patch ready over 
the weekend.  If nothing else, hopefully this will leave a blueprint of what to 
change for the next person if I fail miserably.

> JDBC 3 Generated Keys Support
> -----------------------------
>                 Key: IBATIS-142
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IBATIS-142
>             Project: iBatis for Java
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: SQL Maps
>            Reporter: Brandon Goodin
>            Priority: Minor
> public int executeUpdate(String sql,int autoGeneratedKeys)
> public boolean execute(String sql,int autoGeneratedKeys)
> public ResultSet getGeneratedKeys()
> We should provide support for jdbc auto generated keys retrieval. This is 
> only available in Java 1.4. So, we would have to throw an 
> UnsupportedFeatureException if 1.3 or earlier was being used.
> Brandon

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