
Sebastian Fiorentini commented on IBATIS-480:

I've achieved 2), ie. allowing select's to return less columns than the mapping 
expects by modifying ResultMap class (in ibatis This is a recurring 
usecase in our project's since we can model the entire domain model and code 
the selects and involving the intended columns on some queries and the other 
columns on other columns.

The solution is in ResultMap class in getResults() method.

previous to this line:

    for (int i = 0; i < getResultMappings().length; i++) {


    ResultSetMetaData rsmd=rs.getMetaData();
    HashSet<String> columnasRS=new HashSet<String>();
    for (int i=1;i<=rsmd.getColumnCount();i++){


below to the

    for (int i = 0; i < getResultMappings().length; i++) {
      ResultMapping mapping = (ResultMapping) getResultMappings()[i];


      //Ver si la columna existe en la metadata
      if (!columnasRS.contains(mapping.getColumnName())){
          System.out.println("No existe la columna "+mapping.getColumnName()+". 
      existing code

> support the parameter('#') in the replace string('$') and the result column 
> of result map(class) not existed in select statement.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: IBATIS-480
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IBATIS-480
>             Project: iBatis for Java
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: SQL Maps
>    Affects Versions: 2.3.0
>         Environment: iBatis 2.3.0
>            Reporter: KwonKee Lim
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: BasicResultMap.java, DynamicSql.java
> 1. support the parameter('#') in the replace string('$') 
> in the following sqlmap 
>       <typeAlias alias="Test" type="...model.impl.TestImpl"/>
>       <resultMap id="TestResult" class="Test">
>               <result column="COL1" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="COL1" 
> javaType="String"/>
>               <result column="COL2" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="COL2" 
> javaType="String"/>
>               <result column="COL3" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="COL3" 
> javaType="long" nullValue="0"/>
>               <result column="COL4" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="COL4" 
> javaType="long" nullValue="0"/>
>       </resultMap>
>       <select id="getTestsBySQL" parameterClass="Map" resultMap="TestResult">
>               SELECT COL1,COL2,COL3
>               FROM Test
>               WHERE 
>               $SQL$
>               <isPropertyAvailable property="COL2" prepend="AND ">COL2 = 
> #COL2#</isPropertyAvailable>
>       </select>
> if the replace string '$SQL$' is 'COL1=#COL1#', the result sql string is '... 
> WHERE COL1=#COL1#' .. ' .
> The sql exception occured , because the '#COL1#' in 'COL1=#COL1#'  not 
> replaced  to '?'. 
> That is, the parameter('#') is not supperted in dynamic sql('$').
> My idea is that modify the 
> "com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.sql.dynamic.DynamicSql" class 's 
> processBodyChildren method for dynamic sql('$').
>   private void processBodyChildren(RequestScope request, SqlTagContext ctx, 
> Object parameterObject, Iterator localChildren, PrintWriter out) {
>     while (localChildren.hasNext()) {
>       SqlChild child = (SqlChild) localChildren.next();
>       if (child instanceof SqlText) {
>         SqlText sqlText = (SqlText) child;
>         String sqlStatement = sqlText.getText();
>         // CUSTOMIZE for support '#' in '$' by kklim 2007-12-26 <== here
>         // if the '$' is included , parsing one more.
>         if (SimpleDynamicSql.isSimpleDynamicSql(sqlStatement)) {
>               sqlStatement = new SimpleDynamicSql(delegate, 
> sqlStatement).getSql(request, parameterObject);
>               sqlText.setPostParseRequired(true);
>         }
>         // CUSTOMIZE end
>        ...
> What do you think about this idea?
> 2. support the result column of result map(class) not existed in select 
> statement.
> In the above sql map, the select statement's column is missing the column 
> 'COL4', but the result map present the column 'COL4'.
> In case, The select statement 's columns in runtime is defined. a column 
> presented by the result map is able to be missed.
> My idea is that modify the 
> "com.ibatis.sqlmap.engine.mapping.result.BasicResultMap" class.
> 1) define the member variable for cached the resultsetmetadata's column(s)
>   // CUSTOMIZE does not exist column in resultmap for result set
>   private ThreadLocal rsmd = new ThreadLocal();
> 2) to initialize the the resultsetmetadata's column(s), modify the 
> "getResults" method
>     // CUSTOMIZE initialize the columns of the resultset
>     if(rsmd.get() == null){
>       ResultSetMetaData md = rs.getMetaData();
>       int count = md.getColumnCount();
>       Map columnNameMap = new HashMap(count);
>       for(int i=0; i<count; i++){
>               String columnName = md.getColumnName(i+1);
>               columnNameMap.put(columnName, (i+1));
>       }
>       rsmd.set(columnNameMap);
>     }
> 3) to get the result's column , if the result map(class)'s columns does not 
> exists, skip the getting the result colum
> in  getNestedSelectMappingValue method
>       // CUSTOMIZE if not exist the column(s) of query, skip the column of 
> the result map(class)
>       Map columnNameMap = (Map)rsmd.get();
>       if( columnNameMap == null || 
> columnNameMap.containsKey(mapping.getColumnName())){
>               result = ResultLoader.loadResult(client, statementName, 
> parameterObject, targetType);
>       }
>       // CUSTOMIZE END
> and in getPrimitiveResultMappingValue method
>  protected Object getPrimitiveResultMappingValue(ResultSet rs, 
> BasicResultMapping mapping) throws SQLException {
>       Object value = null;
>       // CUSTOMIZE if not exist the column(s) of query, skip the column of 
> the result map(class)
>       Map columnNameMap = (Map)rsmd.get();
>       if( columnNameMap != null && 
> !columnNameMap.containsKey(mapping.getColumnName())){
>               return value;
>       }
>       ...
> What do you think about this idea?

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