
Just to clarify, are you talking about indexing a whole binary object as a 
single entity (rather than individually indexing its fields)? If so, how would 
one then use such "field" in a SQL query?


> From:
> Date: Mon, 29 Feb 2016 21:18:39 -0800
> Subject: Binary comparator
> To:
> Igniters,
> We currently have a pretty serious limitation for binary objects: they can
> be used as SQL fields and can't be indexed, because we don't know how to
> compare them. And it seems to me that it can be easily fixed by adding an
> optional comparator to BinaryConfiguration and BinaryTypeConfiguration:
> public void setComparator(Comparator<BinaryObject> comparator)
> Are there any pitfalls that I'm missing?
> -Val

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