Hi guys,

Playing with Ignite multi-cache transactions(transactions involving
multiple caches) we run into the lack of proper/easy mechanism to support
such transactions on persistent store side (while implementing particular

The problem is there is no easy way for *CacheStore *implementation to get
information about caches involved in the transaction.

Here are more details:

When committing multi-cache transaction, Ignite produces multiple
*sessionEnd(...)* calls (in *CacheStore *implementation) - one for each
cache. Thus to support multi-cache transaction in persistent store, we need
to accumulate all the changes made to multiple caches (by
*write/writeAll/delete/deleteAll* operations) and apply them as one
transaction/batch to a persistent store in the final(last) *sessionEnd *call.
To do this we need to know exact number of caches participating in the
transaction. Having this number we can skip all *sessionEnd *calls except
the last - which we will use to commit/persist all the changes we
previously accumulated.

As for now, the only way to get the number of caches participating in a
transaction is to register *CacheStoreSessionListener *and count number of
caches in its "*onSessionStart*" method. Such approach doesn't look very
elegant cause we always need to keep in mind that specifying "
*cacheStoreFactory*" in cache configuration is not enough. In addition to
this we also need to specify appropriate "
*cacheStoreSessionListenerFactories*" property - otherwise it will not work
for multi-cache transactions.

Here is an example chunk from cache configuration:

* <property name="cacheStoreFactory">*
* <bean
* <property name="dataSourceBean" value="cassandraDataSource"/>*
* <property name="persistenceSettingsBean"
* </bean>*
* </property>*
* <property name="cacheStoreSessionListenerFactories">*
* <list>*
* <bean class="org.apache.ignite.tests.MyCacheStoreSessionListener"/>*
* </list>*
* </property>*

We see that, instead of specifying only one property "*cacheStoreFactory*"
for a cache we should always specify two properties in case we need
multi-cache transactions support in persistent store. Conceptually it
doesn't look good, cause users thinking about *CacheStore *implementation
like something self-contained - once it specified in cache configuration
everything should be smooth. But in case of multi-cache transactions
support we always need to remember about registering some strange

In Ignite we already have such concept as "
*org.apache.ignite.transactions.Transaction*" which defines our
transaction. It looks logical if it will also provide information about
transaction boundaries (caches involved into transaction). Such approach
can simplify persistent store implementation for multi-cache transactions.

Any thoughts?

Igor Rudyak

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