On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 12:55 AM, Alexander Paschenko <
alexander.a.pasche...@gmail.com> wrote:

> And to avoid further confusion: UPDATE and DELETE are simply
> impossible in streaming mode when the key is not completely defined as
> long as data streamer operates with key-value pairs and not just
> tuples of named values. That's why we can't do DELETE from Person
> WHERE id1 = 5 from prev example with streamer - the Key { id1 = 5, id2
> = 0 } that would be constructed from such query is just one key and is
> handled by streamer as such while semantically that query is not about
> ONE key but about ALL keys where id1 = 5.

I completely agree. However, we should still optimize the MR here, since
the keys selected from one table (or cache) will probably end up on the
same node as the same keys inserted, updated, or deleted in another cache,
so these operations will likely still be local to the node.

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