Hello Ignite devs,

I created new subtask <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-4758>
under IGNITE-3477 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-3477> with
my vision of how *MemoryPolicy* may be implemented.

In a nutshell my idea is as follows: instead of having only one instance of
*PageMemory* and managing a mapping [cacheId->pageMemory region] I suggest
introducing separate *PageMemory* instance (and corresponding *FreeList*
and *ReuseList* structures) for each *MemoryPolicy* configuration.
This instance will be stored in individual cache contexts instead of shared
cache context as it is right now.

I think this design is a very natural extension of *PageMemory* concept and
should not introduce any performance degradation as no changes are
introduced into *PageMemory* implementation itself.

Please share any thoughts or concerns about suggested design in this thread
or in comments under the subtask


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