
Currently we have two JDBC drivers:
v1 - old thin driver, deprecated, works over GridClient
v2 - fat driver, works over Ignite started in "client" mode.

Both of them have the same connection string "jdbc:ignite://"

Now we are working on new thin driver. It will use almost the same protocol
as current ODBC driver, and will require only single port to be opened.
Also this driver will not be coupled to particular cache. Now I am thinking
on how to expose it to through public API. My considerations:

1) Let's have separate connection string "jdbc:ignite:*thin*://" to avoid
any confusion and interference with old drivers.

2) Let's rename (actually deprecate + duplicate) OdbcConfiguration to
SqlListenerConfiguration. This is where users will define port and other
server-side parameters. It will be configurable through
I think "listener" is a good term here, as it is also used in conventional
RDBMS, such as Oracle.

3) We need to decide whether to start listener service by default or not.
Tough question. On the one hand, it is convenient if any Ignite node will
be able to serve SQL requests with no additional configuration. On the
other hand, it consumes resources and threads (GridNioServer), and normally
users will have limited set of nodes which will serve user requests. For
this reason I would not start it by default in the first place.

Please share your thoughts, especially about p.2 since I am in great doubts
about it.


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