How about naming it "minimal node set" or "required node set"?


On Aug 3, 2017, 11:15 AM, at 11:15 AM, Yakov Zhdanov <> 
>> * Based on some sort of policies when the actual cluster topology
>too much from the baseline or when some critical condition happens
>when there are no more backups for a partition)
>Good point, Alex! I would even go further. If cluster is active and
>load and nodes continue joining and leaving then we can have several
>that are possible to restart on - the main condition is to have all the
>to date data partitions. I.e. if you have 4 servers and 3 backups most
>probably you can have all the data with 2, 3 and, of course, 4 nodes.
>I would also think of different name. Topology (for me) also implies
>version, but here only nodes carrying data are important. How about
>"restart nodes set"?

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