
I remember we tried some static code analysis tools for Java (a bit awkward
not having one yet), but we did not setup regular checks.

I want to return to this. As result I would like to have code analysis tool
running on TC on daily basis and also established process to review and fix
code based on tool report same as we do with failed tests.

So, I consider several options:

1. Findbugs - simple, free, runs locally, seems to have report parser in TC
and maven plugin
2. - free, runs locally and user uploads info to
Sonarqube server for analysis, has very basic TC plugin that uploads bundle
to server and links build results on TC to results at Sonarqube site.
3. - Coverity seems to be
very powerful, free for opensource, runs locally and then user  uploads
results to server for analysis.

Anton Vinogradov, can we try setting up Findbugs on TC and see how it works
and integrates with TC? As it seems to be the most simple option to get
results faster.

Then we can compare it to Coverity and take decision what to do next.


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