Igniters! I have an idea for you to vote on. 

Here's how to turn our Nabble list into forums-based community with roles &
ranks (gamification) + social media options (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
etc). This would have zero effect on those who prefer email only. But it
would enable us to have an actual forums page on
https://ignite.apache.org/community/resources.html that is searchable and
has some structure.

I was experimenting with Nabble on an account of my own and discovered that
there are some pretty cool options to turn the list into a forums page with
some structure to it. Best of all, you can embed the forums onto any webpage
with a snippet of code.

I created a sample page here:

*Here’s how I did it to test it out* /(I do not have admin to the actual
Ignite lists)/

1)      Go to Nabble.com http://www.nabble.com 
2)      Click “Create Free Forum.” You can always change it to the other options
listed on this page at any time (archive mailing list, photo gallery, news
site, blog, resume builder, knowledge base).
3)      Follow the simple directions (create user name, forum name, etc.)
4)      To embed the dynamic forums into a page on your website (I first created
a blank page for this on my website), click: Options > Embedding options"
and you will see a text area with a code snippet. Copy and paste that
snippet into your HTML web page. Now open the page and you will see that
your forum loads up seamlessly. No installation, no HTML hassle, just copy
and paste.

*Ranks and roles*
Ranks are a great way of adding gamification to your community…. That
addictive element that encourages members to participate. Roles, on the
other hand, are great way of clearly showing your place in the community,
such as “Admin” and “Moderator.”

The Nabble team has yet call out ranks as an option but there is a simple
hack that will give our community this awesome gamification feature with a
simple copy and paste of some code. This will let you create ranks of your
choosing based on post count. Ideally this would be accomplished via a
formula such as post count, Likes, shares, etc. But we’ll take what we can
get – this is after all, free. 

In the code below, starting from the bottom, you’ll see the ranks used in
this example (Newbie, Helper, Master, Guru). You can change those by
swapping out the names with whatever you come up with.

*To create ranks (and by default, enable roles)*
1.      Look at the bottom right-hand corner of your forums page. Click “Edit
this page.”
2.      Click the green gear to the left of “view_board.”
3.      Next, “Search macros.”
4.      In the search field, type “post_count”
5.      Click the hyper-link “post_count”
6.      Click “Override this macro”
7.      Paste in the following then hit “Save changes”

<override_macro name="post_count_js">  
    <n.param_loop. param="postCount">  
                var $div = $('div.post-count<n.page_user.user_tag_id/>');  
n="[n.page_user.post_count_value/]" one_text="[t]post[/t]"
                var postCount = <n.page_user.post_count_value/>;  
                if (postCount > 300)  
                    $div.append("Elite Member");  
                else if (postCount > 200)  
                else if (postCount > 100)  
                else if (postCount > 50)  

*Social engagement buttons*
Adding social buttons for users to share specific posts can help drive more
people to our community and also serve as a pat-on-the-back to authors.
Nabble has a button to "tweet" posts, along with a Facebook Like button and
a Google+ share button. 

*To add those to this community:*
1)      Click “Options”
2)      Click “Application”
3)      Click “Extras and add-ons”
4)      Check the four boxes
5)      Click “Save Changes”

In addition to those three buttons, from each post community members can
click “More” /(next to the “Reply” button)/ to post to Twitter, Facebook,
Delicious, Stumble Upon, LinkedIn, Google Bookmarks and Digg.  

Also, going back a little to “Applications,” you’ll also see some other cool
features you can add, including adding Google Analytics account ID. 

I'm more than happy to help if you all decide you'd like to give this a try.
You can always turn it off if it doesn't work out. 

Sent from: http://apache-ignite-developers.2346864.n4.nabble.com/

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