Hello, guys.

I have some issues on TC with my PR [1] for IGNITE-3084(Spark Data Frame API).
Can you, please, help me:

1. `Ignite RDD spark 2_10` -

Currently this build runs with following profiles: 
`-Plgpl,examples,scala-2.10,-clean-libs,-release` [2]
That means `scala` profile is activated too for `Ignite RDD spark 2_10`
Because `scala` activation is done like [3]:


I think it a misconfiguration because scala(2.11) shouldn't be activated for 
2.10 build.
Am I miss something?

Can someone edit build property?
        * Add `-scala` to profiles list
        * Or add `-Dscala-2.10` to jvm properties to turn off `scala` profile 
in this build.

2. `Ignite RDD` -

Currently this build run on jvm7 [4].
As I wrote in my previous mail [5] current version of spark(2.2) runs only on 

Can someone edit build property to run it on jvm8?

3. For now `Ignite RDD` and `Ignite RDD spark 2_10` only runs java tests [6] 
existing in `spark` module.
There are several existing tests written in scala(i.e. scala-test) ignored in 
TC. IgniteRDDSpec [7] for example.
Is it turned off by a purpose or I miss something?
Should we run scala-test for spark and spark_2.10 modules?

[1] https://github.com/apache/ignite/pull/2742
[3] https://github.com/apache/ignite/blob/master/pom.xml#L533

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