On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 5:21 AM, Dmitry Pavlov <dpavlov....@gmail.com>

> Hi Dmitriy,
> It seems, here everyone agrees that killing the process will give a more
> guaranteed result. The question is that the majority in the community does
> not consider this to be acceptable in case Ignite as started as embedded
> lib (e.g. from Java, using Ignition.start())
> What can help to accept the community's opinion? Let's remember Apache
> principle: "community first".

I am still confused about the problem the majority of the community is
trying to solve. If our priority is to keep the cluster in frozen state,
then what is the reason for this task altogether?

The priority should be to keep the cluster operational, not frozen. The
only solution here is "kill" or "stop+kill". If the community does not
accept this option as a default, then I propose to drop this task
altogether, because we do not have to do anything to keep the cluster

> If release 2.5 will show us it was inpractical, we will change default to
> kill even for library. What do you think?

See above. I do not see a reason to continue with this task if the end
result is identical to what we have today.

I want to give the community another chance to speak up and voice their
opinions again, having fully understood the context and the problem being
solved here.


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