+1 to this approach,

It can be also very helpful in failover scenarios when something wrong
happened with disk. In this case we're reducing the number of points of

2018-05-15 18:37 GMT+03:00 Dmitriy Govorukhin <dmitriy.govoruk...@gmail.com>

> Hi Ignite,
> Do we have a general approach to work with a file and directories?
> I see many duplication logic for write through .tmp file.
> For example,
> GridCacheDatabaseSharedManager.writeCheckpointEntry();
> GridCacheDatabaseSharedManage.nodeStart();
> FileWriteAheadLogManager.FileArchiver.archiveSegment();
> All of these methods implement the same logic, write to tmp file and rename
> to normal name.
> I guess, will be better if we stopping write duplication logic code and
> start to consolidate all in one place.
> Also, I think that current approach to creating files is not quite right
> faithful. Each internal component
> create/delete files inside himself, and nobody knows where which files
> located.
> I suggest refactoring code and create something (maybe new manager) that
> will know about all files inside the node. All internal components must
> create files only through this one.
> It makes help to write tests for persistence easier and reduce duplication
> code in working with files.

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