
We've uploaded a 2.5.0 release candidate to

Git tag name is

This release includes the following changes:

* Implemented Zookeeper discovery SPI.
* Added Java thin client.
* Added continuous queries with transformers.
* Implemented general approach for critical failures handling.
* Added the new method IgniteMXBean.getCurrentCoordinatorFormatted()
which displays formatted information about current coordiantor.
* Added partition update counters verification on partition map exchange.
* Added ability to disable WAL during initial data rebalancing.
* Added additional data storage metrics
* Added additional transactional metrics.
* Added DEB package and improved RPM package.
* Added information about fields serialization/deserialization errors
in BinaryMarshaller.
* Added configurable automatic rollback timeout for pending
transactions preventing partition map exchange to complete.
* Added preventing infinite iterations of corrupted B+Tree. New
IGNITE_BPLUS_TREE_LOCK_RETRIES property was added, default value is
* Implemented handling of broken segment in WAL compaction.
* Fixed affinity to always choose primary node from one of the owners
when persistence is enabled.
* Partition eviction now does not block exchange.
* Fixed the issue that prevented rebalancing on a new baseline node join.
* Fixed potential deadlock during preloading.
* Fixed exception handling in IsolatedUpdater of DataStreamer.
* Fixed the issue when ComputeTaskFuture.get() threw a trimmed
exception chain: now full exception chain is propagated to the caller;
the exception thrown from IgniteCompute methods may now differ from
the previous behavior.
* Fixed null value being passed to entry processor when such entry
actually exists.
* Fixed problem when cluster could not survive after IgniteOutOfMemoryException.
* Fixed NullPointerException on batch atomic cache operations with cache store.
* Fixed bug with ScanQuery transformer which applies to the first
result page only.
* Fixed hanging of node stopping in case when node is invalidated and
persistence is enabled.
* BinaryMetadata exchange is triggered only if there are actual
changes in BinaryMetadata.
* Fixed contention while executing parallel atomic single get operations.
* Fixed cache metadata corruption during concurrent checkpoint and
cache destroy.
* Implemented additional synchronization for correct partition
counters update on partition map exchange.
* Optimized checkpoint lock acquisition for demander thread.
* Destroyed caches with enabled persistence now will not survive grid restart.
* Nodes with incompatible SQL metadata will not be able to join grid.
This fixes known case for index corruption.
* Fixed fillFactor memory metric value.
* Fixed bug with checkpoint buffer overflow with enabled throttling.
* Fixed crash recovery problem when index tree could reference to
removed data pages.
* Fixed error during cluster initialization with partially acceptable
WAL archive.
* Fixed issue with local partitions size changing inside checkpoint write lock.
* Fixed LOG_ONLY and BACKGROUND modes to be power-crash resistant.
* Fixed incorrect finishing of implicit transactions on unstable topology.
* Fixed incorrect mapping of smallint Cassandra type.
* Introduced log markers support to IgniteLogger and standard DEV_ONLY marker.
* Changed Log4J and Log4J2 adapters to update active logger
configuration when configuration source file is modified.
* Fixed sqlline.sh script to use Java from JAVA_HOME.
* Improved Docker image build.
* Default and recommended JVM options are updated.

Ignite .Net:
* Added SSL configuration for node-to-node links.
* Added dynamic service proxies.
* Propagated query metrics to ICache.GetQueryMetrics() and
* DML update via LINQ.
* Fixed hang caused by mishandled exception during custom cache store
* Fixed GroupBy and Where issues in LINQ.
* .Net thin client SSL support.

Ignite C++:
* Fixed bug with LocalSize cache method.

* Implemented COPY command for fast data load.
* Added support of authorization for CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE commands.
* Improved deadlock handling in DML.
* Added IGNITE_SQL_FORCE_LAZY_RESULT_SET option to force all SQL
queries on node using lazy result set.
* Fixed SQL query hang if cluster contains nodes not in baseline.

* Added SSL support.
* Added authentication.
* Added streaming mode to thin driver.
* Semicolon now can be used as delimiter for properties in URL string.
* Changed default socket buffer size to 64Kb in thin driver.
* Added FQDN to thin client in order to support multiple IPs for
connection establishment.

* Added SSL support.
* Implemented username/password authentication.
* Added support of multiple addresses in connection string.
* Added support for SQL_ATTR_LOGIN_TIMEOUT.

Web Console:
* Added support for persistence in demo mode.
* Configuration screen is reworked to new modern design with improved usability.
* Implemented support for comma-separated list of node URIs.
* Fixed Docker file generation.
* Fixed code generation for large numbers in configuration params.
* Fixed demo for non-collocated joins.
* Fixed enum values decoding for SQL queries.
* Upgraded build to use Webpack 4.

* Added AUTHENTICATE command.
* Added support for new authentication API.
* Implemented possibility to get values from cache inserted via API or SQL.
* Enhanced GET_OR_CREATE_CACHE command with optional "templateName",
"backups", "cacheGroup", "dataRegion" and "writeSynchronizationMode"
* Added support of Java built-in types (boolean, int, long, ..., UUID)
for put/get operations.

* Added "cache -slp" and "cache -rlp" commands to show and reset lost
partitions for specified cache.
* Added scan queries of near cache support.

Control utility:
* Added utilities to control.sh script to display cache info.
* Added new tools (control.sh --tx, TransactionsMXBean) to view active
transactions and ability to kill them .
* Added confirmation on dangerous operations.
* Fixed NullPointerException in case of empty base line and not active cluster.
* Fixed timeout on changing baseline in control.sh

* Implemented framework for genetic algorithms over Apache Ignite caches.
* Implemented LSQR-based linear regression.
* Implemented Linear SVM for binary classification.
* Implemented distributed version of SVM (support vector machine) algoritm.

Complete list of closed issues:



Please start voting.

+1 - to accept Apache Ignite 2.5.0-RC1
0 - don't care either way
-1 - DO NOT accept Apache Ignite 2.5.0-RC1 (explain why)

This vote will go for 72 hours.

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