This function takes:

        int partId,


        @Nullable Collection<ClusterNode> nodes,

It uses partId to find the node with the primary partition, and proceeds
even if that node is not in the subgrid that was passed in.  This is either
a bug, or the semantics should be specified more clearly.

There are two sub-cases.

   - one of nodes in the sub-grid is a backup for the partition
   - the partition does not exist on any of the nodes in the sub-grid

This case can be  exposed via IgnuteCompute.affinityRun... when the
IgniteCompute was created with a subgrid that did not include the primary

I got lost tracing the code below this, and could not tell if this would
throw an exception or execute on the primary node.   The later would seem
to just be a bug.  It would be simple to change this code to choose a node
in the subgrid or throw and exception.

If it selected a backup node, then would the this part of the IgniteCompute
contract still hold w/o other changes: "The data of the partition where
affKey is stored will not be migrated from the target node while the job is
executed."  ?

In any case, the IgniteCompute semantics around this case should be stated.


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