The prototype of the API will look like that

PipelineMdl mdl = new Pipeline<Integer, Object[]> ()
                       .addStage(new EncoderTrainer<Integer, Object[]>()
                       .addStage(new ImputerTrainer<Integer, Object[]>())
                       .addStage(new MinMaxScalerTrainer<Integer,
                       .addStage(new NormalizationTrainer<Integer,
DecisionTreeClassificationTrainer(5, 0))
                       .fit(ignite, dataCache);

Also, I've added separate ticket for the update of ParamGrid/CrossValidation
API to support tune hyperparameters not only in final trainers but in
intermideate preprocessing stages too.

I suggest to add this feature in 2.8 because it doesn't change the current
API of algorithms and has no serialized issues

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