I'm new to this process, and I've created three pull requests, and I'm
trying to figure out how I can get some eyes to look at them.

   - IGNITE-7616 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-7616> which
   add some missing MXbeans for thread pools.  I've identified some
   contributors that worked on the files before, but when I type [ ~ name ] in
   Jira using parts of names found in git or here
   Jira generally doesn't find those people.
   - IGNITE-9026 <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/IGNITE-9026> which
   fixes some bugs with CONTINUOUS peer class loading when such a loaded class
   makes a call to another node.   These addressed the problems we had, but I
   still have to to write a couple of new tests.   However, it would useful to
   get feedback on the approach, because it fundamentally changes the search
   - IGNITE-9365 which adds an optional affinityBackupFilter that can be
   configured in Spring  to separate primary and backup partitions based on
   some node attribute/environment variable, with an example of how to use
   this to force primary and backup to different AWS Availability Zones.  Val
   said he would look at this one.

Dave Harvey

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