
I've already solved this issue for myself by creating an e-mail filter, but I see no reason why every new contributor should do the same.

Best Regards,
Ivan Rakov

On 26.11.2018 21:56, Dmitriy Pavlov wrote:
+0.42 because 42 is an Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything

пн, 26 нояб. 2018 г. в 21:54, Eduard Shangareev <eduard.shangar...@gmail.com
This was discussed already [1].

So, I want to complete this discussion with moving outside dev-list
GitHub-notification to dedicated list.

Please start voting.

+1 - to accept this change.
0 - you don't care.
-1 - to decline this change.

This vote will go for 72 hours.



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