
I'm not aware about any mechanism like this one built in Apache Ignite.

I advise you to wrap Ignite's APIs into ones of your own and avoid using
raw Ignite API. This way you will make sure to do these checks on your own.

Ilya Kasnacheev

пн, 25 мая 2020 г. в 15:22, Pavel Pereslegin <xxt...@gmail.com>:

> Hello Igniters.
> If type of binary field does not match query entity field type we
> still able to insert such entry into cache, but can't query it.
> In the following example we have query entity with the UUID field
> "name", but we insert String field "name" using binary object.
>         IgniteCache<Object, Object> cache = grid(0).createCache(
>             new CacheConfiguration<>("testCache").setQueryEntities(
>                 Collections.singletonList(
>                     new QueryEntity()
>                         .setKeyFieldName("id")
>                         .setValueType("Person")
>                         .setFields(new LinkedHashMap<>(
>                             F.asMap("id", "java.lang.Integer",
>                                 "name", "java.util.UUID"))))));
>         BinaryObject obj = grid(0).binary().builder("Person")
>             .setField("id", 1)
>             .setField("name", UUID.randomUUID().toString())
>             .build();
>         cache.put(1, obj);
>         assertEquals(obj, cache.withKeepBinary().get(1));
>         String sql = "select id, name from Person where id=1";
>         grid(0).context().query()
>             .querySqlFields(new
> SqlFieldsQuery(sql).setSchema("testCache"), true)
>             .getAll(); // java.lang.ClassCastException:
> java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.UUID
> The object was successfully inserted, but the "name"-field cannot be
> read using sql.
> Should it be better to prevent insertion of cache entry if the binary
> field type and the type of the query entity field do not match?

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