Hi, Ignite developers!

On October 20, Virtual Apache Ignite Meetup will host a Q&A session for
Ignite users[1]. We will start with three 10-minute tech talks and, then,
will devote the remaining time to answering Ignite users’ questions. The
Q&A session can help users to solve their issues and also can help
developers to learn more about how Ignite is run in real life.

Please let me know if you want to join the session as an expert. My great
thanks to those who have confirmed their participation:

Dmitry Pavlov - Apache Ignite PMC Chair
Nikolay Izhikov - Apache Ignite PMC, Spark Integration module maintainer
Ivan Bessonov - Apache Ignite Contributor working with Core and
Ravil Galeyev - Apache Ignite ML module Contributor
Pavel Tupitsyn - Apache Ignite PMC, .NET API module maintainer
Maxim Muzafarov - Apache Ignite PMC
Ilya Kasnacheev - Apache Ignite PMC and top-champion in answering on Ignite
questions on StackOverflow and userlist
Alexander Korenshteyn - Ignite expert with 150+ answers on Ignite questions
on StackOverflow and userlist

[1] https://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ignite-Virtual-Meetup/events/273921637/


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