Hi, everyone.

I want to propose for discussion the PoC cli tool, which was born to check
and demonstrate approaches explained in [0] and [1].
This tool will be the all-in-one cli tool for ignite cluster management and
ignite installation/update.

One unified tool will:
- lower the entry threshold for Ignite newbies (it should be as simple as
wget ignite && ignite init && ignite node start new-node)
- be the one entry point for any ignite operation
- be used for the smooth automated upgrade of local nodes and modules
- use abstract REST API for communication with nodes in the future. so, you
can implement your own processes around this REST API if needed

Work in progress PR can be found here

You can:
- see a small demo here https://asciinema.org/a/378647
- build it from the PR and try it by yourself

For building it from the sources and have a fully working demo setup you
need firstly:
- "mvn install" the root dir here https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/pull/5
- "mvn install" the root dir here https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/pull/6
- "mvn install" tool itself from https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/pull/4


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