Hi Pavel,

I don't think we will need the pure embedded mode, but we still need to be
able to access the API from compute and services. That said, there are two
usages of the 'Ignite' API:

   1. Remote, via the binary protocol.
   2. Local - needed for compute and services. (This is how it works now.)

I believe that the API should be the same, and there should be a unified
access point. Ignition seems to be a good candidate for this.

Ignition#start should eventually be removed from the public API. It is
currently there only because we don't have the thin client yet.


On Wed, Jul 7, 2021 at 5:47 AM Pavel Tupitsyn <ptupit...@apache.org> wrote:

> Igniters,
> I have a few questions regarding server node startup and thin clients.
> State of things:
> - Server nodes will be started with 'ignite run' from CLI [1]
> - ignite-api module represents our public API
> - ignite-api has Ignition interface to start server nodes
> Questions:
> - What's the idea behind Ignition interface in the public API? Are we going
> to have an "embedded mode" where servers can be started from code? I
> thought this was not planned.
> - How are users supposed to retrieve an instance of the Ignition interface?
> - Are there any plans to start thin clients from Ignition interface, or
> should we have a separate way of doing this?
> [1]
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=158873958

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