
I would like to discuss a potential change to the coding guidelines for
Ignite 3. Currently, we're using the existing guidelines inherited from
Ignite 2, which are described here:

Current guidelines, however, exist for many years and have several issues.
They are cumbersome, carry a lot of legacy stuff, and can't be automated.
Every now and then, they seem to cause questions and confusion.

While it's hard to make drastic changes in Ignite 2, we still have a great
opportunity to update the guidelines in Ignite 3. I would identify two
major goals here:

   1. Simplification. Having too many rules and restrictions tend to
   complicate development rather than providing any value. We should come up
   with a minimum set of rules and then make amends one by one if needed.
   2. The ability for automation. I hold a strong belief that code style
   checking has to become a part of the build. Therefore, we need to make sure
   that any rule that ends up in the guideline can be automatically verified.

I propose the following process to define the new guideline:

   1. Use Google code style as the starting point:
   2. Replace the 100 column limit with 140. The latter is the value we
   already use in Ignite 2, and it seems to be more reasonable, in my opinion.
   3. Use 4 spaces block indentation and 8 spaces for continuation (as
   opposed to 2 and 4). Nothing wrong with 2 spaces, in my view, but 4 spaces
   should provide a smoother transition, as we're really used to this style.
   4. For any other changes, initiate separate discussions going forward.

Several reasons why I specifically propose Google style:

   1. This is essentially the standard for many projects. I don't think
   there is a need for us to reinvent the wheel.
   2. It's minimalistic and developer-friendly. No overcomplication.
   3. (probably the most important) It comes with all the required tools
   and configurations for automation (e.g., here is the config for IDEA:

Please let me know what you think. If there are no objections, I will start
the process.


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