The main question here is : what is the node URL? How will the user
know a port from a wide port range?

On Tue, Jul 26, 2022 at 3:01 PM Vadim Pakhnushev
<> wrote:
> Hi Igniters!
> After implementing commands for CLI tool listed in the IEP-88
> some
> early users raised a concern about confusion between --node-url and
> --cluster-url arguments.
> Initially --node-url was intended to be used in commands dealing with the
> particular node (i.e. node config show) and --cluster-url for commands
> dealing with the cluster as a whole (i.e. cluster config show).
> Although cluster URL is basically a URL of any node in the cluster.
> So the question for discussion is - would it make sense to unify parameters
> to both cluster- and node-related commands to be --node-url?
> Or it would be better to keep the distinction?

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