Sorry this is so difficult. We are still in the process of learning and
improving the experience for external contributors. Your help is much

Some responses below.

On Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 9:06 PM, Amos Bird <> wrote:

> Hi there,
> I followed the wiki
> to+load+and+run+Impala+tests
> carefully but still have some problems in my local env.
> 1. I need to manually execute "hdfs dfs -mkdir /test-warehouse/emptytable"
> to get rid of some fe test error.
Ideally, you should not have to do this. Could you tell me what errors you
encountered? Sounds like there may be a test or data loading bug we should

> 2. I have authz-policy.ini in HDFS, but I still get authorization errors.
> TestSelect[0](com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest)  Time
> elapsed: 0.333 sec  <<< FAILURE!
> java.lang.AssertionError: got error:
> User 'amos' does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: default.nodb
> expected:
> User 'amos' does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: nodb.alltypes
>   at
>   at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
>   at com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest.AuthzError(
>   at com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest.AuthzError(
>   at com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest.AuthzError(
>   at com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest.TestSelect(
> TestSelect[1](com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest)  Time
> elapsed: 0.324 sec  <<< FAILURE!
> java.lang.AssertionError: got error:
> User 'amos' does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: default.nodb
> expected:
> User 'amos' does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: nodb.alltypes
>   at
>   at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
>   at com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest.AuthzError(
>   at com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest.AuthzError(
>   at com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest.AuthzError(
>   at com.cloudera.impala.analysis.AuthorizationTest.TestSelect(
> Results :
> Failed tests:
>   AuthorizationTest.TestSelect:512->AuthzError:2197->
> AuthzError:2203->AuthzError:2220 got error:
> User 'amos' does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: default.nodb
> expected:
> User 'amos' does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: nodb.alltypes
>   AuthorizationTest.TestSelect:512->AuthzError:2197->
> AuthzError:2203->AuthzError:2220 got error:
> User 'amos' does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: default.nodb
> expected:
> User 'amos' does not have privileges to execute 'SELECT' on: nodb.alltypes
Strange. In this test, we register two authorization requests, and it seems
like those are not checked in the expected order. However, that should not
be possible because we store them in a LinkedHashSet.
Could you dig into this a little further to see if you can figure out why
the order is wrong?

This is where we register the authorization requests:

This is where we check the authorization requests:

> 3. For end-to-end tests, I encountered two kinds of errors
>   a) connection refused.
>   SET sync_ddl=False;
> -- executing against localhost:21000
> DROP DATABASE `test_drop_cleans_hdfs_dirs_fdfd4f8` CASCADE;
> ___________________ ERROR at setup of TestLoadData.test_load[exec_option:
> {'disable_codegen': False, 'abort_on_error': 1, 
> 'exec_single_node_rows_threshold':
> 0, 'batch_size': 0, 'num_nodes': 0} | table_format: text/none]
> ___________________
> [gw5] linux2 -- Python 2.6.6 /home/amos/incubator-impala/
> bin/../infra/python/env/bin/python
> metadata/ in setup_method
>     "{0}/{1}/100101.txt".format(STAGING_PATH, i))
> util/ in copy
>     data = self.read_file(src)
> ../infra/python/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/pywebhdfs/
> in read_file
>     response = requests.get(uri, allow_redirects=True)
> ../infra/python/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/ in get
>     return request('get', url, params=params, **kwargs)
> ../infra/python/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/ in
> request
>     response = session.request(method=method, url=url, **kwargs)
> ../infra/python/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/
> in request
>     resp = self.send(prep, **send_kwargs)
> ../infra/python/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/
> in send
>     history = [resp for resp in gen] if allow_redirects else []
> ../infra/python/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/
> in resolve_redirects
>     **adapter_kwargs
> ../infra/python/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/
> in send
>     r = adapter.send(request, **kwargs)
> ../infra/python/env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/requests/
> in send
>     raise ConnectionError(err, request=request)
> E   ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', error(111, 'Connection
> refused'))
The connection refused issue is very bizarre. One thing that I noticed is
that your Python does not seem to match what we use (Python 2.7.3).
Could you re-run infra/python/ and see if you get
the expected version into infra/python/env/local/bin?

Alternatively, maybe there's a problem with your /etc/hosts? You can try
searching online for WebHdfs and /etc/hosts

   b) stats not match
> [gw4] linux2 -- Python 2.6.6 /home/amos/incubator-impala/
> bin/../infra/python/env/bin/python
> metadata/ in test_show_stats
>     self.run_test_case('QueryTest/show-stats', vector, "functional")
> common/ in run_test_case
>     self.__verify_results_and_errors(vector, test_section, result, use_db)
> common/ in __verify_results_and_errors
>     replace_filenames_with_placeholder)
> common/ in verify_raw_results
>     VERIFIER_MAP[verifier](expected, actual)
> common/ in verify_query_result_is_equal
>     assert expected_results == actual_results
> ...
>    -- executing against localhost:21000
> show column stats alltypes_clone;
> MainThread: Comparing QueryTestResults (expected vs actual):
> 'bigint_col','BIGINT',10,-1,8,8 == 'bigint_col','BIGINT',10,-1,8,8
> 'bool_col','BOOLEAN',2,-1,1,1 == 'bool_col','BOOLEAN',2,-1,1,1
> 'date_string_col','STRING',736,-1,8,8 == 'date_string_col','STRING',
> 736,-1,8,8
> 'double_col','DOUBLE',-1,-1,8,8 == 'double_col','DOUBLE',-1,-1,8,8
> 'float_col','FLOAT',10,-1,4,4 == 'float_col','FLOAT',10,-1,4,4
> 'id','INT',7505,-1,4,4 == 'id','INT',7505,-1,4,4
> 'int_col','INT',-1,-1,4,4 == 'int_col','INT',-1,-1,4,4
> 'month','INT',12,0,4,4 == 'month','INT',12,0,4,4
> 'smallint_col','SMALLINT',10,-1,2,2 == 'smallint_col','SMALLINT',10,-1,2,2
> 'string_col','STRING',10,-1,-1,-1 == 'string_col','STRING',10,-1,-1,-1
> 'timestamp_col','TIMESTAMP',7554,-1,16,16 != 'timestamp_col','TIMESTAMP',
> 7552,-1,16,16
> 'tinyint_col','TINYINT',10,-1,1,1 == 'tinyint_col','TINYINT',10,-1,1,1
> 'year','INT',2,0,4,4 == 'year','INT',2,0,4,4
> Very strange. Can you do a compute stats on functional.alltypes and
confirm that the NDV for timestamp_col are 7552 in your setup?

> I'm using CentOS 6.8 final. I have no idea what goes wrong. Any help is
> much appreciated!

> Best regards,
> Amos

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