Is anyone else seeing this with I'm in a clean, up-to-date
tree. I also
just restarted ntp.

Starting kudu (Web UI - http://localhost:8051)
line 35: 19501 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) "$CMD" "$@" &>
Failed to start kudu-master. The end of the log
PC: @          0x188aff4 kudu::(anonymous namespace)::ShardedLRUCache::Lookup()
*** SIGSEGV (@0xb4994340) received by PID 19501 (TID 0x7fe789340700)
from PID 18446744072444527424; stack trace: ***
    @     0x7fe7aae57330 (unknown)
    @          0x188aff4 kudu::(anonymous namespace)::ShardedLRUCache::Lookup()
    @           0xa1dd31 kudu::codegen::CodeCache::Lookup()
    @           0xa14f7c
    @           0x8b5907 kudu::tablet::(anonymous
    @           0x8b81fe kudu::tablet::MemRowSet::Iterator::Iterator()
    @           0x8b8a13 kudu::tablet::MemRowSet::NewIterator()
    @           0x8b8f2f kudu::tablet::MemRowSet::NewRowIterator()
    @           0x8692b5 kudu::tablet::Tablet::CaptureConsistentIterators()
    @           0x869d72 kudu::tablet::Tablet::Iterator::Init()
    @           0x7a603e kudu::master::SysCatalogTable::VisitTables()
    @           0x7b9beb kudu::master::CatalogManager::VisitTablesAndTablets()
    @           0x7ba4ac
    @          0x1909e1e kudu::ThreadPool::DispatchThread()
    @          0x1904b9a kudu::Thread::SuperviseThread()
    @     0x7fe7aae4f184 start_thread
    @     0x7fe7a9b1637d clone
    @                0x0 (unknown)
Error in /home/marcel/impala/testdata/bin/ at line 40:
$IMPALA_HOME/testdata/cluster/admin start_cluster
Error in testdata/bin/ at line 42: tee

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