This e-mail is generated by Jenkins auto-test project. History query results 
are shown in attachment. 

The first three group tests are based on the last release version which can be 
use as baseline for comparing the following test results. The last 6*3=18 rows 
correspond to the 6 types of query test based on latest master branch. After 
ingestion test, three groups of query tests will be conducted. The first group 
gets the none-cache query performance results while the second and third groups 
get cached.  Since query test is after  ingestion query, the query result can 
be easily mapped to IoTDB version by looking at projectID. 

queryResult.csv introduction (except obvious fields):
Field: Description

projectID: Unique test instance mark.

avg: Average time cost of all query operations. [ms]

midAvg: Average time cost of query operations without 5% head and tail. [ms]

min: Min time cost of all query operations. [ms]

max: Max time cost of all query operations. [ms]

p1: 1 percentile of  all  query operations time cost. [ms]

totalTimes: Max accumulative query operation time cost of the clients. [s]

totalPoints: Number of total query result points.

queryNumber: Number of query operation.

Eight Query Types:
1. aggTi: Aggregation Query with Time Filter
query workload:
number of involved sensor in each query: 1
number of involved device in each query: 1
aggregation function: max_value
time filter range: 250000 ms
500 query operations
SELECT max_value(s_72) FROM root.perform.group_0.d_68 WHERE time >= 2018-08-30 
02:55:50 AND time <= 2018-08-30 03:00:00

2. aggVa: Aggregation Query with Value Filter
query workload:
number of involved sensor in each query: 1
number of involved device in each query: 1
aggregation function: max_value
time filter range: 250000 ms
500 query operations
SELECT max_value(s_25) FROM root.perform.group_1.d_102 WHERE 
root.perform.group_1.d_102.s_25 > 1.0 

3. criteri: Criteria Query (Simple Query with Time and Value Filter)
query workload:
number of involved sensor in each query: 1
number of involved device in each query: 1
time filter range: 250000 ms
value filter: > 1
500 query operations
SELECT s_35 FROM root.perform.group_4.d_462 WHERE time >= 2018-08-30 03:10:00 
AND time <= 2018-08-30 03:14:10 AND root.perform.group_4.d_462.s_35 > 1.0

4. exact: Exact Query
query workload:
number of involved sensor in each query: 1
number of involved device in each query: 1
500 query operations
SELECT s_75 FROM root.perform.group_7.d_731 WHERE time = 2018-08-30 02:25:00 

5. group: Group-By Query 
query workload:
number of involved sensor in each query: 1
number of involved device in each query: 1
time filter range: 250000 ms
time unit: 20000 ms
aggregation function: max_value
500 query operations
SELECT max_value(s_38) FROM root.perform.group_11.d_1171 GROUP BY(20000ms, 
1535558400000,[2018-08-30 03:07:30,2018-08-30 03:11:40]) 

6. latest: MAX_TIME Query
query workload:
number of involved sensor in each query: 1
number of involved device in each query: 1
aggregation function: max_time
500 query operations
SELECT max_time(s_0) FROM root.performf.group_0.d_2 

7. limit: limit Query
query workload:
number of involved sensor in each query: 1
number of involved device in each query: 1
time filter range: 250000 ms
500 query operations
SELECT * FROM root.perform.group_0.d_0 limit 5 offset 5 slimit 5 soffset 5 

8. range: Range Query
query workload:
number of involved sensor in each query: 1
number of involved device in each query: 1
time filter range: 250000 ms
500 query operations
SELECT s_0 FROM root.performf.group_0.d_2 WHERE time >= 2010-01-01 12:00:00 AND 
time <= 2010-01-01 12:04:10


Data set is generated by ingestion test:
20 storage groups
2000 devices in total
100 sensors per device
50% out-of-order data 

32G memory
8 threads CPU
1000Mbit ethernet

meta_data_cache_enable=true(as default)
filemeta_chunkmeta_free_memory_proportion=3:6:10(as default)
The rest parameters are default.

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