
I am also confused about the "six times worse" when creating timeseries.

Could you propose a draft pull request to IoTDB so that we can have a look at 
your code implementation?

Lei Rui
On 9/11/2019 09:25,安彦哲<thss15_a...@163.com> wrote:

I'm trying to solve 
 To accomplish

the task, I've modified the structure of MTree and replace Path(String) of 
several Maps with ID(Long), including

latestTimeForEachDevice and latestFlushedTimeForEachDevice in the 

memTableMap in the org.apache.iotdb.db.engine.memtable.AbstractMemTable.java

Then, I've carried out a simple experiment:

create 200,000 timeseries in the same storage group

insert 10 tuples(<timestamp, value>) into each of timeseries

The result shows that

Step 1: the original version costs 25138.8ms while the modified one costs 
177753ms. It concludes that the modified version
performs six times worse than the original version when creating timeseries.

Step 2: the original version costs 213662.8ms while the modified one costs 
194271.2ms. It concludes that the modified version
performs nine percent better than the original version when inserting values.

In addition, we don't usually create too many timeseries, while insertion is 
the most frequently used operation in IoTDB. I'm confused

whether we should apply the modified version. If anyone knows more about this 
topic, please inform me.



Yanzhe An

School of Software, Tsinghua University

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