Hi all,

I got my Schengen VISA today and can begin to prepare the talk for ACEU
2019.. Please show your suggestions about what you think is needed to be
introduced in the talk.

My idea is, the talk will inherit the content at ACNA (in Las Vegas), and
introduce some new contents (merged PRs or open PRs):

* Writing data directly on HDFS when using IoTDB, and thereby supporting
(I may need a demo program, is there any volunteer?)

* Using session API (NoSQL, right? :p) to improve performance. (  I may
need a demo program, @Jialin Qiao, can you or your mates help me?)

* Using different Language API (demo needed. And it depends on whether I
can run it well on my Laptop)

* Query Performance visualization and Log visualization (contributed by
Ximujun and Tian Jiang)

* Some idea about IoTDB cluster (derive from a Chinese paper on NDBC 2019)

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

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