
I think the idea is ok. And I quick review the codes, sounds no problem.
Does anyone who is more familiar with the query process can review the

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

atoiLiu <atoi...@163.com> 于2019年12月9日周一 下午5:49写道:

> Currently, when executing an SQL statement through JDBC, it is done in two
> steps:
> 1. Query metadata set hasResultSet = true
> 2. When the client determines that hasResultSet = true, it will initiate
> the next data query and call the fetchResult method of the server
> I think this step can be optimized to reduce one request to the server,
> especially if the data is empty or the total amount of data is less than
> the fetchSize
> So I added the TSQueryDataSet to TSExecuteStatementResp so that the client
> could traverse the data directly.
> I hope my idea can contribute to the community. Can anyone review it for
> me?
> Pr:
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-iotdb/pull/631 <
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-iotdb/pull/631>
> In addition, I found a new problem.
> When I input a random random SQL in client, the server would throw an
> antlr error, which could not be caught by the expected SQLParserException
> and was kindly prompted to the user.
> I think adding  try...catch to the parseSQLToPhysicalPlan should solve
> this problem.  I don’t know if i am right ,so sorry.

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