Hi all,

I wanted to pass along the news that Apache IoTDB (incubating) has won the 
award of "The Most Popular Open Source Project Derive From China in 2019".  
Please join me in congratulating the team!   -KAM

Website: https://iotdb.apache.org

Mailing lists:
subscribe: dev-subscr...@iotdb.incubator.apache.org
discussion: dev@iotdb.apache.org 

Bug reports: https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/IOTDB/issues/IOTDB

IoTDB v0.9.0 was just released as well!  Plus, here is some info that Xiangdong 
Huang put together about the award:

Top 30 for all projects and Top 3 for system softwares.

The award is hosted by OSChina (https://www.oschina.net/). There were 140
thousand persons voted (Each person can vote at most 3 projects).

All the projects are classified into 6 areas: System Softwares, Develop
Frameworks and Basic Components,  Business Softwares, Front-end Web,
Develop Tools, and Application Softwares.

As a database, IoTDB belongs to System Softwares area.
Finally, IoTDB received 12467 votes, which is No. 3 in the area.

More interesting tidbits:

- System Software is the most competitive area, The No. 5 project in the
area received 11806 votes while in other area, the most votes is 7062.

- An OSChina user "大漠真人" recommended IoTDB to attend the activity. When
some PPMCs (e.g., me) knew about that, there were only less than 2 weeks
left for vote.

- After finding the activity, we find there are some users reporting their
issues about IoTDB on OSChina.net.  We have guide them to submit issues to

- Jialin Qiao was invited to take the award cup.


- Activity webpage: https://www.oschina.net/project/top_cn_2019
- Vote Result, The Cup, Jialin Qiao's photos:

Ok, Congratulations, IoTDB and IoTDB community.

The activity let us know that there are many users paying attention to us,
and supporting the project.

In next year, hope IoTDB can be better and more popular! Cheers!

Kevin A. McGrail

Member, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail - 703.798.0171

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