
Thanks, Jesse.

> and the new 1.0 version is about to be released.

Actually, we are still working on v0.12 [1] (and may release 0.11.2 as we
have fixed some bugs in 0.11.1).

I like the idea if it can help new contributors to know how to debug, how
to start a new feature of IoTDB easier.

And, I suggest invite all of our mentors when IoTDB was in the Incubator
also as the "mentors"  you said (or by default, we count them into the
It is because they know the Apache Way well and can guide new contributors
how to follow the way to make contributions.

[1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IOTDB/v0.12

Xiangdong Huang
School of Software, Tsinghua University

清华大学 软件学院

Jesse Zhou <zhou.jes...@gmail.com> 于2020年12月23日周三 下午11:23写道:

> Three months have passed since the graduation of IoTDB, and the new 1.0
> version is about to be released. With the growth of the IoTDB community and
> the increasing expansion of features, it would be great if we can have more
> experienced developers to build a better IoTDB together.
> Based on such a vision, I propose to initiate a “community mentor” project,
> which is to select some experienced members of the community to help and
> guide inexperienced members to maintain the module and develop new
> features.
> Regarding the process of selecting mentors, I think they can be
> self-recommended or recommended by others, but no matter what, I think the
> selected candidates should meet at least the following two requirements:
> (if there are any problems, please feel free to point them out)
> 1. have patience and time available to mentor.
> 2. familiar enough with a specific module, and competent in mentoring at a
> technical level.
> After the recommendation procedure, I suggest the final list of the mentors
> be decided by community voting. After that, we can let contributors who are
> interested in this project sign up, then the mentors will get in touch with
> them to further instruct them.
> This is just a scratch, a lot of details remain to be discussed. What do
> you guys think of this idea?
> Best,
> Jesse

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