We should probably cut down on what we have, as we haven't enough manpower to maintain it all. I prefer the idea of mothballing things, so that if they are useful in the future they could be reinstated, ie when there is the need and the will to bring them up to scratch.


On 21/03/13 12:34, Dan Haywood wrote:
Something I've been meaning to raise for a while is whether we should
retire the HTML viewer.  (I did mail Kevin about this offline because he
has historically been the most active user of this viewer; I'll let him
respond with his views rather than me summarizing them) .

My view is that we're only actively developing Scimpi and Wicket, and that
both are more functional than the HTML viewer that is not being developed.
  I'm keen that we trim our codebase of stuff that isn't in active
development.  I think that we should therefore retire this viewer.

To generalize the point, it might also make sense to institute some sort of
rule that we retire stuff that hasn't had any updates after a certain
period of time, eg 12 or 18 months. (Perhaps such a rule might require a
formal vote, but probably worth discussing here)

Anyway, your thoughts welcome.


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