
I just hit another problem with respect to an SPI implementation that is Level-1 (for now), when accessed by JCR2SPI.

Previously, this would fail early because JCR2SPI just assumed that it could get the ValueFactory from SessionInfo. Now, it keeps going, but doesn't have the ValueFactory later on.

This results in NullPointerExceptions once the ValueFactory is needed later, such as in

at org.apache.jackrabbit.value.ValueFormat.getJCRValue(ValueFormat.java: 122) at org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.PropertyImpl.getValue(PropertyImpl.java

So maybe we should just state that for SPI, a Level-1 implementation *does* not to supply a ValueFactory, after all? The alternative probably would be to instantiate a simple ValueFactory internally, if the SPI implementation doesn't have one.

Feedback appreciated...

Best regards, Julian

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